Smart ideas to improve our cities
There’s a lot that we like about what Smart are doing right now. Their focus is on delivering smart ideas to make cities better places. Here’s a great example of how they’re doing it with some simple stop motion animation and video.
To encourage people to take notice at a major crossing in Lisbon they created the dancing traffic light. Unknown to the pedestrians the red stop man gets his moves from other members of the public who are dancing away to their selected tunes across town.
The dance station that’s designed to look like a traffic light has an LED screen outside and a range of music for people to dance to while recording and displaying the moves in real-time.
It’s a fun idea that gets people involved but it has a social purpose that links to the overall strategy Smart are currently living. The #whatareyouFOR program challenges people to think about how their attitudes and beliefs can make a positive difference in our cities.
Take a look at the dancing traffic light in action in the video below and be sure to check out the rest of the project.